Artificial Intelligence

Generate Insights
with AI.

Utilize the innovative capabilities of Draxlr AI, which harnesses advanced algorithms to automatically generate SQL queries based on user prompts. Simply provide a prompt, and let Draxlr AI efficiently generate the necessary SQL code to retrieve the desired data from your databases.

Try for free
No-Code Insights

Generate visualizations
with ease

Our no-code solution empowers users to extract insights from their data without the need for developer intervention. With our intuitive interface, you can bypass the reliance on developers to generate SQL queries, ensuring efficient access to vital data for your business operations.

Time Saver

Our no-code solution enables users to extract insights from their data without developer intervention. With our intuitive interface, bypass the need for developers to generate SQL queries, ensuring efficient access to vital business data.

Build Dashboards

Utilize our innovative AI-powered platform to effortlessly construct insightful dashboards directly from your SQL data sources.

Generate Insights

Unlock actionable insights effortlessly by selecting a specific table within our platform, enabling comprehensive data analysis.

Ready to build Dashboards
and set Alerts?

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