Draxlr vs Metabase

Comparing Draxlr and Metabase for getting answers from your databases,
building dashboards and sharing them with your team and users.

Get answers from database

Draxlr and Metabase both provide a no-code query builder to help you get answers from your database, let's see how they compare.

Draxlr Query Builder
Draxlr Query Builder

Draxlr Provides a powerful and interactive query builder that's part of the main experience. Which makes digging through your data easy.

Draxlr Query Builder
Metabase Query Builder

Metabase provides a separate query builder which let's you perform certain operations. Metabase query builder is also not a part of the main interface.

Easy and Customizable Dashboards

Draxlr and Metabase both lets your build customizable dashboards. Let's see how both of them compare and how easy is it to build them.

Easy to build customizable Dashboards
Easy to build customizable Dashboards

With Draxlr it's very easy to build your dashboards, on top of your queries. The queries can be from SQL or the Query builder. The Dashboards can be easily customized, you can resize and reorder the dashboard items.

Easy to build customizable Dashboards
Dashboards from Insights

Metabase also lets you build dashboards with from your database. The process of creating dashboard isn't as smooth and simplified.

Public/Sharable Dashboards

Compare how sharing dashboards and insights works in Draxlr and Metabase

Share Dashboards with a link
Share Dashboards with a link

With Draxlr you can share your dashboards with a convenient link. You can share a single dashboard item or and entire dashboard with just a link. On entire dashboards your can set a custom PIN to protect the data.

Share Dashboards with a link
Invite people to Dashboards

On Metabase you can invite people to your workspace. Invited members can access the Dashboards created by anyone. You can also control the permissions as to which dashboards they should have access to.

Raw SQL Queries

Draxlr and Metabase both lets you raw SQL queries to explore your data. Both provide a rich SQL Code Editor, let's see how they compare.

Powerful Code editor with highlighting and completion
Powerful Code editor with highlighting and completion

Draxlr provides a powerful SQL Code editor that provides code highlighting and code autocompletion. It also provides common editor functionalities like formatting, search, replace. You can download your queries in SQL format, Draxlr also supports Query variables.

Powerful Code editor with highlighting and completion
Metabase SQL Code Editor

Metabase also provides a code editor with code highlighting and some basic features. Metabase doesn't have support for SQL Query variables. Metabase doesn't let you download your queries as a SQL file.

Embedding Dashboards

Whatever insights and dashboards you have built using these tools, you can embed those in your website and apps. Let's see how they both support embedding.

Embedding with Variables
Embedding with Variables

Draxlr supports embedding with filters and variables. While embedding you can pas different parameters to apply filter to the data you're embedding.

Embedding with Variables
Embed Dashboard Items

Metabase also lets you embed your insights and dashboards. Though the embedding options are limited when compared to Draxlr. While embedding you cannot pass filters as parameters.

Check if Draxlr fits your needs

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